
The objective of the article was to identify the public determination of the activities of international political actors. The methodology combines a systems approach, comparative method, structural and functional analysis, institutional approach, postmodern methodology, logical generalization method, communicative approach, sociocultural analysis and the scenario forecasting method, which ensure to determine the importance of the public elements of the international community. At present, the model of public opinion allows us to see the main trends of public self-expression of political actors and their relationship with social groups. That is, the attitude of the population of certain countries to this problem became the basis of various actions of public political actors. It is concluded that advertising is a prerequisite framework for modern international politics both at the theoretical-conceptual level and at the level of pragmatic activity. Kokkuvõtteks tehti kindlaks, et kaasaegse rahvusvahelise poliitika avaliku sektori osalejad keskenduvad oma tegevuses kollegiaalsele poliitilisele otsustusprotsessile laia ja mitmemõõtmelise arutelu alusel, esitades kõige laiemaid vaatenurki.

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