
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most frequent leukemia in elderly individuals with a median age at diagnosis of 67 years (Juliusson et al., Blood 2009). It arises in a step-wise process and originates from hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) (Jan et al.,Sci Transl Med. 2012). Genetic and epigenetic alterations drive the formation of pre-leukemic HSC clones with altered function, which can gain dominance and eventually give rise to AML upon the acquisition of cooperating lesions (Jan et al.,Sci Transl Med. 2012). However, it is currently impossible to predict which healthy elderly individuals with clonal hematopoiesis will eventually develop myeloid malignancies, as the pathways to leukemia are unknown. Heterozygous inactivating mutations of the epigenetic regulator Ten-Eleven Translocation-2 (TET2) are commonly found in patients with AML, yet also in a remarkable fraction of healthy elderly individuals in whom it is associated with clonal hematopoiesis (Busque, et al Nat Genet. 2012). These observations and studies in Tet2-deficient mice strongly suggest that TET2 inactivation is an early event in the pathogenesis of myeloid malignancies, but is not sufficient to fully transform HSC (Moran-Crusio et al., Cancel Cell 2011). TET2 cooperates with several transcription factors to regulate hematopoiesis (Rasmussen et al., Genome Res 2019), one of which is PU.1 (de la Rica et al., Genome Biol. 2013), an essential transcription factor governing normal hematopoiesis (Iwasaki et al., Blood 2005). In humans, PU.1 activity or expression is only moderately impaired in the majority of AML patients, and remarkably, also in aged HSC (Will et al., Nat Med. 2015), underscoring the essentiality of PU.1. Importantly, PU.1 target genes are frequently found hypermethylated in AML (Sonnet et al., Genome Med. 2014, Kaasinen et al., Nat Commun. 2019), suggesting a profound epigenetic inactivation of the PU.1 network. We hypothesized that moderate impairment of PU.1 abundance, as found in AML, can cooperate with loss-of-function mutations of Tet2 to initiate malignancy. We developed a novel tissue-specific compound mutant mouse model carrying heterozygous deletion of an upstream regulatory element (URE) of Pu.1 along with Tet2 deletion (Vav-iCre+ PU.1URΕ∆/+Tet2+/flox; Vav-iCre+ PU.1URΕ∆/+Tet2flox/flox). While none of the single mutant mice developed AML, compound mutant mice developed aggressive myeloid leukemia whose penetrance and latency exhibited Tet2 dose dependency. The disease presented with leukocytosis, anemia and splenomegaly. By cell morphology analysis of the peripheral blood, bone marrow and spleen, the leukemic mice exhibited accumulation of differentiation-blocked myeloblasts, myelocytes and/or metamyelocytes, that was confirmed using detailed myeloid differentiation markers, distinguishing the disease in immature or mature AML. Furthermore, gold standard in vitro and in vivo assays, assessing both self-renewal and differentiation capacity of double mutant mice-derived cells, revealed that the expanded differentiation-blocked stem and progenitor cells bear aberrant self-renewal and disease-initiating capacities. Comprehensive molecular profiling by next generation sequencing of disease-initiating cells uncovered a substantial overlap with human AML, such as functional GF1b loss with concomitant overexpression of CD90/Thy1 (Thivakaran et al., Haematologica 2018). Importantly, our analyses also revealed transcriptional dysregulation, hypermethylation of PU.1 regulated enhancers with concomitant loss of enhancer activity and alterations in chromatin accessibility of particularly genes co-bound by PU.1 and TET2. Current efforts focus on identifying key effectors of the dysregulated PU.1/TET2 sub-network driving malignant transformation in clonal hematopoiesis. Our collected data provide proof of concept that moderate PU.1 dose impairment can functionally cooperate with the inactivation of Tet2 in the initiation of myeloid leukemia and uncovers a likely unifying AML pathomechansim. Disclosures Will: Novartis Pharmaceuticals: Other: Service on advisory boards, Research Funding.

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