
The sieve-element plastids of 126 species of theArales were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. With the exception ofPistia (with S-type plastids) all contained the monocotyledon specific subtype-P2 plastids characterized by cuneate protein crystals. While the species studied from bothAcoraceae andLemnaceae have form-P2c plastids (i.e., with cuneate crystals only), those of theAraceae belong to either form P2c (14 species), P2cs (the great majority) or P2cfs (Monstera deliciosa, only, with form-P2cs plastids in the otherMonstera species studied). The form-P2cs plastids of theAraceae are grouped into different categories according to the quantity and quality of their protein and starch contents. The subfamilyLasioideae is redefined to comprise all aroid P2c-taxa and those P2cs-genera that contain only one or very few starch grains. Only little starch is also recorded in the sieve-element plastids ofGymnostachys (Gymnostachydoideae), with the other plastid data denying a close relationship toAcorus. While equal amounts of starch and protein are generally present in sieve-element plastids of the subfamiliesPothoideae, Monsteroideae, Colocasioideae, Philodendroideae, andAroideae, maximum starch content and only very few protein crystals are found in form-P2cs plastids ofCalla (Calloideae),Ariopsis (Aroideae), andRemusatia (Colocasioideae?). In the latter, both morphology and size of sieve-element plastids are close to those ofPistia.—In theAraceae the diameters of the sieve-element plastids exhibit a great size range, but are consistent within a species and within a defined part of the plant body. Comparative data are mainly available for stem and petiole sieve-element plastids.—The accumulated data are used to suggest an affiliation of the species to subfamilies and to discuss the phylogeny of theArales. Forms and sizes of their plastids support a separation of bothAcoraceae andLemnaceae from theAraceae. The presence of S-type plastids inPistia does not favour direct and close relationships to the form-P2c genusLemna.—The prevailing form-P2cs plastids might support proposals that place theArales (together with also form-P2cs plastid containingDioscoreales) in the neighbourhood of basal dicotyledons. BesidesAsarum andSaruma (Aristolochiaceae), with monocotyledonous form-P2c plastids,Pistia (with dicotyledonous S-type plastids) gives another example for a link between the two angiosperm classes.

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