
Twenty-four species of pteropods are described from the Pliocene Miyazaki Group in the Tsuma-Takanabe district, Miyazaki Prefecture, southwest Japan. Five are new:Clio shibatainew species,Cuvierina miyazakiensisnew species,Cavolinia floridana japonicanew subspecies,C. itoigawainew species, andC. vendryesiana hyugaensisnew subspecies.The pteropod fauna of the two lower members of the Miyazaki Group consists largely of extinct species. Whereas more than one-half of the species of the two upper members are extant.Twelve species,Limacinasp.,Clio hataii(Noda, 1972),C. shibatainew species,Cuvierina miyazakiensisnew species,Bowdenatheca?sp.,Diacria digitatasubsp. indet.,Cavolinia floridana japonicanew subspecies,C.cf.C. gypsorum(Bellardi, 1873),C. itoigawainew species,C. mexicana(Collins, 1934),C. rattoneiSimonelli, 1896, andC. vendryesiana hyugaensisnew subspecies seem to serve as good index fossils for the Pliocene.

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