
Background: Adolescence is a distinct phase of complex developmental and psychological needs. UNICEF states that suicide is the second leading cause of death in this age group of young girls. A myriad of social, economic and health factors undermine the ability of the adolescents to lead full and productive lives. There is a need to study these factors as they are bound to health-related outcomes. Objective: To assess the psycho-social health of adolescent girls (15-19 years) living in a rural area using WHO HEEADSSS questionnaire and to compare their psychosocial risk profiles and demographic profiles to identify important risk factors. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted from April to August 2017 on a convenient sample of 180 adolescent girls of 15-19 years residing in the rural field practice area of NRI Medical College, Guntur. The WHO’s HEEADSSS (Home and Environment, Education and Employment, Activities, Drugs, Sexuality, Suicide & Depression and Safety) questionnaire was used to assess the psychosocial risk profile of the subjects. The findings were subjected to multiple regression and chi-square test at 5% level of significance. Results and Discussion: Only 6.11% of the girls had scores within the normal range. 10% were at severe risk and 1.11% were in the very severe risk category. The following factors accounted for 75% of the psycho social risk: Age, Marital Status, Occupation, Positive History of Smoking or Alcohol intake in Family, Having Sleep Problems, Thoughts of inflicting self-hurt and Thoughts of inflicting physical hurt on others. Conclusion: HEEADSSS questionnaire is a useful tool to assess the psycho-social health of adolescent girls. Most girls didn’t have adequate knowledge regarding family panning methods or STDs. Qualitative methods would give further insight into these issues.

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