
12032 Background: Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) allows patients (pts) with a terminal illness and less than 6 months prognosis to request a prescription that will end their life. MAID is controversial; opponents argue that negative psychological health underlies the choice, and that participation adversely effects pts and FMs. This is the first study to prospectively examine psychological health of pts and Family Members (FMs) who engaged in MAID and compare this to the psychological health of pts and FMs who did not utilize MAID. Methods: Pts and FMs were recruited prospectively from End-of-Life Washington (largest non-profit, public MAID advocacy/assistance organization in Washington State) from September 2022-January 2023 to a self-report, longitudinal study. Pts, FMs or the dyad were enrolled. Results of this study are compared to previously published results: *means (standard deviation, SD) taken from *Singer, et al. 2021; **Frikkel, et al. 2021; ^Robinson, et al. 2016 and ~Trevino, et al. 2013. + indicates no significant difference between MAID and non-MAID subjects at p > .05 level. Results: 16% (8/51) of eligible pts and 49% (20/41) of eligible FMs were recruited. 55% (n = 11) of FMs were spouses. There was no difference in sex and subjects were mostly white (pts 87.5%; FMs 95%) with college or higher degrees (pts 62.5%; FMs 85%). Most pts reported having cancer (n = 6 [75%]; neurologic condition, n = 1 [12.5%]; cirrhosis, n = 1 [12.5%]); most FMs also reported their pt had cancer (n = 17 [85%]; neurologic condition, n = 3 [15%]). There were no differences in psychological health between terminal cancer pts and FMs who engaged in MAID and advanced cancer pts & FMs who did not (see table). Conclusions: In this study, FMs and pts participating in MAID appear to have rates of negative psychological states that are in the low to moderate range. These rates appear similar to pts with advanced cancer and their FMs who are not engaging in MAID. Future research should study larger, heterogeneous populations earlier in the illness trajectory. [Table: see text]

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