
To create a diagnostic tool for measuring psychosocial maladjustment and its testing both on mentally healthy and on people with mental disorders, in particular, one of the most sensitive to this phenomenon group of women with depressive disorders of different genesis we examined 252 women who were diagnosed with a depressive disorder. The study included 94 people with depressive disorder of psychogenic genesis (prolonged depressive reaction due to adaptation disorder: F43.21 by ICD-10), 83 women with endogenous depression (depressive episode: F32.0, F32.1, F32.2, F32.3 for ICD-10; recurrent depressive disorder: F33.0, F33.1, F33.2, F33.3 for ICD-10; bipolar affective disorder, current episode of depression: F31.3, F31.4, F31. 5 for ICD-10) and 75 patients with a depressive disorder of organic genesis (organic affective disorders: F06.3 for ICD-10). The comparison group consisted of 150 mentally healthy women without a psychiatric history. The study was conducted using clinical, psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods. In order to identify and quantify the degree of psychosocial maladjustment based on a comprehensive analysis of data on the characteristics of functioning in various fields, we have developed an original psychodiagnostic scale that allows you to isolate and evaluate key areas of psychosocial maladjustment. The scale is suitable for use in clinical practice and covers three main clusters of psychosocial functioning: macrosocial (provides for the assessment of socio-economic and socio-information maladaptation); mesosocial (provides an assessment of socio-professional and interpersonal maladjustment); microsocial (provides for an assessment of family and parent maladaptation). An assessment of the state of psychosocial maladjustment according to a survey of 252 patients with psychogenic, endogenous and organic depressive disorders allowed to establish that the severity of maladjustment in all 6 areas of patients with depressive disorders of organic genesis is heavy, endogenous - moderate, and psychogenic - light. The revealed patterns are important for the planning of psychoprophylactic and psychocorrectional measures in patients with depressive disorders of various origins


  • In order to identify and quantify the degree of psychosocial maladjustment based on a comprehensive analysis of data on the characteristics of functioning in various fields, we have developed an original psychodiagnostic scale that allows you to isolate and evaluate key areas of psychosocial maladjustment

  • An assessment of the state of psychosocial maladjustment according to a survey of 252 patients with psychogenic, endogenous and organic depressive disorders allowed to establish that the severity of maladjustment in all 6 areas of patients with depressive disorders of organic genesis is heavy, endogenous - moderate, and psychogenic

  • Середні показники за окремими сферами шкали психосоціальної дезадаптації у здорових обстежених (ГП) та хворих на депресивні розлади

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Мета дослідження

Враховуючи вищенаведене, метою даної роботи було створення діагностичного інструменту виміру психосоціальної дезадаптації та його апробація як на психічно здорових, так і на особах з порушенням психічної сфери, зокрема, на одному з найсенситивніших до даного явища контингенті жінок з депресивними розладами різної ґенези

Матеріали і методи дослідження
Результати дослідження та їх обговорення
Мої діти часто стають свідками або учасниками сімейних конфліктів
ДЕЗАДАПТАЦІЯ соціальносоціальнопрофесійна міжособистісна сімейна батьківська
Хворі на депресивні розлади р
Рівень статистичної значущості розбіжностей
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