
Factitious disorder is a condition in which patients deceitfully present themselves as injured or ill in the absence of obvious external reward. It is difficult to diagnose and treat, and little rigorous evidence exists in the literature. While larger studies have revealed some clinical and sociodemographic patterns, there is a lack of consensus on psychosocial factors and mechanisms contributing to factitious disorder. This in turn has led to conflicting recommendations on management. In this article, we review major psychopathological theories of factitious disorder, including the role of early trauma and subsequent development of interpersonal dysfunction, as well as maladaptive gratification obtained from assuming the sick role. Common themes of interpersonal disruptions in this patient population include a pathologic need for attention and care, as well as aggression and desire for dominance. In addition to psychodynamic and psychosocial etiologic models of factitious disorder, we also review associated treatment approaches. Finally, we offer clinical implications, including countertransference considerations, as well as directions for future research.

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