
The main goal of the present study was to explore electrophysiologicaldifferences between lucid and nonlucid dreams in REM sleep. Seven men andfour women experienced in lucid dreaming underwent polysomnographicrecordings in the sleep laboratory on two consecutive nights. EEG signalswere subjected to spectral analysis to obtain Þve different frequency bandsbetween 1 and 20 Hz. Lucidity was determined by both subjective dreamreports and eye-movement signals made by the subjects in response to lightstimuli indicating a REM period. The main discrimination factor betweenlucid and nonlucid dreaming was found in the beta-1 frequency band (13Ð19Hz), which in lucid dreaming was increased in both parietal regions. Theratio of frontal to parietal beta-1 activity was 1 to 1.16 in nonlucid and 1to 1.77 in lucid dreaming. A tendency towards the greatest increase wasobserved in the left parietal lobe (P3), an area of the brain considered to berelated to semantic understanding and self-awareness.

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