
Aim. To estimate psychophysiological changes during workspace virtualization.Materials and Methods. We evaluated the psychophysiological profile of 10 healthy right-handed males aged 25 to 45 years before, during and after the working in a virtual reality (VR) headset. All participants had higher education, normal or corrected to normal vision, and were experienced computer users. Psychometric testing included a neurological examination, assessment of functional and feedback-related brain activity (reaction time, errors, and missed signals) and attention span, quantification of processed symbols in the 1st and 4th minutes of Bourdon test, analysis of short-term memory (10 words, 10 numbers and 10 meaningless syllables memorization) and spatial perception, and multi-channel electroencephalography recording in rest.Results. Deterioration of psychometric indicators after a cognitive load in a VR headset was documented only in the most difficult tasks: the number of errors increased by 93% in the brain performance test and by 65% in the attention distribution test. The analysis of electroencephalography data showed that the delta rhythm and theta1 rhythm activity decreased by 28 and 13%, respectively, after working in a VR headset as compared to baseline values, while alpha1 rhythm activity increased by 96%. Probably, the observed electroencephalography changes corresponded to the patterns of brain activation associated with cognitive load and the resulting fatigue.Conclusions. We developed a suitable approach for the psychometric testing before and after working in VR headset, which demonstrated general tolerance and acceptable subjective difficulties to VR load. 


  • Апробация методики оценки психофизиологического состояния оператора при виртуализации рабочего информационного пространства на основе психофизиологических и ЭЭГ параметров

  • Deterioration of psychometric indicators after a cognitive load in a virtual reality (VR) headset was documented only in the most difficult tasks: the number of errors increased by 93% in the brain performance test and by 65% in the attention distribution test

  • The analysis of electroencephalography data showed that the delta rhythm and theta1 rhythm activity decreased by 28 and 13%, respectively, after working in a VR headset as compared to baseline values, while alpha1 rhythm activity increased by 96%

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Апробация методики оценки психофизиологического состояния оператора при виртуализации рабочего информационного пространства на основе психофизиологических и ЭЭГ параметров. Для оценки исходного и постнагрузочного психофизиологического состояния испытуемых при виртуализации рабочего информационного пространства в течение эксперимента последовательно проводился ряд исследований. Следом производилось ЭЭГ исследование в состоянии покоя с закрытыми и открытыми глазами в течение 5 минут для каждого состояния и расширенное выходное нейрофизиологическое тестирование, включающее те же тестовые методики, что и на входе в исследование, за исключением тестов кратковременной памяти (в связи с малой вариабельностью их результатов на протяжении коротких интервалов времени).

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