
Patient safety metrics declined due to COVID-19-related strains placed on hospitals and hospital systems. Because evidence-based practice (EBP) can improve patient outcomes and quality of care and empower clinicians, a renewed focus on organizational EBP culture is needed. The Advancing Research and Clinical practice through close Collaboration (ARCC©) Model describes how to use a system-wide approach to advance and sustain EBP in hospital systems to improve outcomes. EBP culture is a key variable that directly impacts EBP knowledge, beliefs, competency, and implementation. The ARCC© Model uses the Organizational Culture and Readiness Scale for System-Wide Integration of Evidence-Based Practice (OCRSIEP) to identify organizational characteristics that influence clinician and patient outcomes. Although the scale has been reported to have excellent reliability, a comprehensive psychometric analysis has yet to be performed that confirms its construct validity. The aim of this study was to describe the OCRSIEP's construct validity and reliability via an in-depth psychometric analysis. OCRSIEP assessment data were obtained from a prior national study with 2344 nurses from 19 hospitals and healthcare systems. Descriptive statistics summarized the sample and distributions of the 25 scale items. Construct validity was assessed via exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Cronbach's alpha assessed reliability. A one-factor model was supported by EFA with item Q17b excluded (i.e., to what extent are decisions generated from upper administration). Model fit indices for CFA indicated a good fit (CFI=0.978, TLI=0.973, RMSEA=0.077, SRMR=0.027). Cronbach's alpha was 0.96 for all items and 0.97 with item Q17b excluded, both indicating outstanding internal consistency. The OCRSIEP is valid and reliable and can be used to assess EBP culture and readiness in hospitals and healthcare systems at the organizational level.

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