
Objectives: The Career Futures Inventory-25 (CFI-25) was tested for validity and psychometric properties in the Omani context. This study is the first to validate the CFI-25 in a Middle Eastern context. Methods: The researchers tested the CFI-25 in a Middle Eastern context using a sample of 412 university students. Validity (content and construct), reliability, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and Cronbach’s Alpha scores were obtained using SPSS version 27. CFA analysis from a random half-split yielded a CFI-24 Oman (CFIO-24) version and a three-factor structure of the Omani version. The final version of the new CFIO-24 showed good fit indices (CMIN/DF = 2.008, TLI = 0.92, CFI = 0.92, RMSRE = 0.055). Results: The result showed a total Cronbach’s Alpha of ???? (????=.79 split half). For the three subscale areas (career adaptability CA, career optimism CO, perceived knowledge PK), reliability scores were CA ????=.79, CO ????=.77, and PK ????=.66. Conclusions: The findings indicate that the CFIO-24 is appropriate for use in the Omani context. Discussion of the results and their implications for practice is provided.

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