
This is an empirical examination of Experienced Stimulation (es) and Experience Actual (EA) from Exner's Comprehensive System (CS) for Rorschach's Test, spurred by Kleiger's theoretical critique. Principal components analysis, Cronbach's α, and inter-item correlational analyses were used to test whether 13 determinants used to code Rorschach responses (M, FM, m, CF+C, YF+Y, C'F+C', TF+T, VF+V, FC, FC', FV, FY, FT) are best represented as a one, two, or more-dimensional construct. The 13 determinants appear to reflect three dimensions, a “lower order” sensori-motor dimension (m + CF+C + YF+Y + C'F+C' + TF+T + VF+V) with a suggested label of Modified Experienced Stimulation (MES), a “higher order” sensori-motor dimension (FM + FV + FY + FT) with a suggested label of Modified Experience Potential (MEP), and a third sensori-motor dimension (M+FC+FC') for which the label of Modified Experience Actual (MEA) is suggested. These findings are consistent with Kleiger's arguments and could lead to a refinement of CS constructs by aggregating determinants along lines more theoretically congruous and more internally consistent. A RAMONA model with parameters specified was presented for replication attempts which use confirmatory factor analytic techniques.

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