
The goal of the research achieved by the author is the analysis of psychological features of deviant forms of economic behavior of an individual in cyberspace. Methodology. To implement the problematic completeness of the research and obtain scientifically based and reliable results and general conclusions, a complex of theoretical methods was used: synthesis, logic and structure of the presentation, analysis and generalization, tools of scientific source studies. Linguistic methodology and the method of cognition were used to study the problematic issues of this work in the unity of their visual and factual perception, social content, legal and terminological form of representation. The systemic-structural approach made it possible to conceptually form, implement the theoretical foundations and model the complexity of the research discourse. Results. It is shown that human crime and delinquency are related to both external factors (interaction with other types of crime, age, gender, material values, influence of peers) and internal factors that mediate criminal tendencies. It was concluded that the specifics of deviant forms of individual economic behavior in cyberspace have not yet been sufficiently studied, and attention is focused on more common types of cyber deviance. Instead, the actual problems are the peculiarities of the formation of economic cyber deviance; the detection of a tendency to this type of behavior; planning correctional and educational psychological work with deviants and victims of economic cybercrimes. An important problem is the difficulty of conducting research taking into account the key feature of cyberspace - anonymity.

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