
A metamorphosis of Europe is undoubtedly taking place. In fact, Europe is at the same time the object and subject of transformative movements that will shake its foundations. Within the current European metamorphosis, what is the challenge to be accepted or launched by psychology? This challenge corresponds to a series of anthropological-cultural contradictions present in the system: Is European psychology functional to the scientific-technological apparatus or to the human beings involved and the interrelations thereof? Will the values of psychology strive toward achieving human well-being? Is and will the contribution of psychology to the constitution of a new Europe be of an objectivist or of a subjectivist nature? Will the contribution of psychology be characterized by an individualistic approach or by a group-centered one? One “fundamental” of Europe does exist, which centers around three institutional foundations of the European cultural strata that have bccome interconnected in time and space: Greek thought, the Renaissance mind, and the three Christian religions (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant). The contribution of psychology could be focused mainly on taking care of needs (maternal code) or on supporting development (paternal code). Psychology should choose between a positivistic or a holistic approach or, still better, integrate both of them. Psychology should stress its attention to its manifold roots and not only be subdued to the Anglo-Saxon culture. A complementary and nonconflictual approach will be the best strategy. Where and how do psychologists stand today in the important distinction between the “academic culture” and the “militant culture,” which means pure and applied research? Are they scientists or technicians? Are they explorers of knowledge or of applications? Are they intellectuals or executives? Scholars or professionals? Dedicated to pure or to empiric research? Episteme or Doxa priests? And can the challenge of the European metamorphosis be productively inserted into the solution of the predicaments? The European psychological culture should answer the challenge of metamorphosis of the continent by trying to find an enlightened solution to the above-mentioned contradictions.

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