
The article is devoted to determining the level of psychological well-being of Chinese and Russian students in a cross-cultural context. The article presents the concept of psychological well-being, its structure and factors are revealed, empirical referents of the studied phenomenon are determined. The study sample consisted of Chinese (n = 63) and Russian (n = 63) students, as representatives of different cultures. The main criterion for selecting the sample was the ontogenetic stage of personality development - early adulthood, as well as the education of respondents in provincial universities (Russian students studied at Kostroma State University, Chinese students - at Guangxi University). The methodological complex included the “Scale of psychological well-beingˮ by K. Riff in the adaptation of N.N. Lepeshinsky; “Scale of Happinessˮ Lyubomirsky, Lepper adapted by D.A. Leontiev; “Life Satisfaction Scaleˮ Diener, Emmons, Larsen, Griffin adapted by D.A. Leontieva, E.N. Aspen. Significant differences in the psychological well-being of Russian and Chinese students are shown. The author of the article concludes that the indicator of psychological well-being among Chinese and Russian students correlates with the cultural and social contexts of their lives.

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