
Introduction: Living with chronic diseases such as Diabetes mellitus type 2 will make patients experience change or imbalance include biological, psychological, social and spiritual. One of psychology aspects in patients with Diabetes mellitus type 2 is psychological well being (PWB). Emotional response of type 2 DM patients since the early diagnosis to begin undergoing the treatment will be different for each person. Type 2 DM patients need a good transition process to achieve well being state. The transition from a healthy to a diseased condition is needed for the successful self care management of type 2 DM patients. The purpose of this research was to explore the description of PWB in patients of type 2 Diabetes mellitus in six aspects of PWB and PWB facilitate and inhibitor factors in type 2 DM patients. Methods: This research used qualitative design research with case studies approach. The subject of research was seven participants who met the inclusion criteria. Data collection was done by structured interview and observation. Data analysis was done by thematic analysis. Result and Analysis: This study generated 14 themes. The result showed that the process of type 2 DM patients subjected to the process of transition from a healthy condition into ill condition. The transition process started with cyclic lose response which influence type 2 DM patient to self control and make a right decision-making to self care. Self-control would make type 2 DM patients able to adapt and engage with new experiences that become a new habit for type 2 DM patients and will facilitate type 2 DM patients in adapting to the internal and external environment and make type 2 DM patients have a positive hope in their life. Discuss and conclusion: finding in this study would hopefully be beneficial for professional health staff to make assessment about PWB in type 2 DM patients, nurse hopefully can assist patients in transition with the condition of type 2 DM. Need further research about the relation between self acceptance and self control, activation process till engagement to new habit in type 2 DM patients, perceived support to PWB in type 2 DM patient DM.Keywords: psychological well being, type 2 Diabetes mellitus, qualitative


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Peneliti ingin mengeksplorasi kondisi PWB pada pasien DM tipe 2 dari subyektivitas partisipan yang menderita DM tipe 2. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan case study. Alat bantu pangambilan data penelitian pada penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus ini sebagai berikut: pedoman wawancara, catatan lapangan/field note (mencatat data yang didapatkan ketika wawancara): seperti ekspresi partisipan dan lainnya dan recorder/perekam berupa voice recorder. Subyek penelitian yang menjadi partisipan sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi penelitian dan diambil secara snowball sampling. Gambaran kesejahteraan psikologis pasien Diabetes meliitus tipe 2 dapat digambarkan dari tema respons kehilangan, kontrol/kendali diri, pengambilan keputusan, penyesuaian diri, keterlibatan, adaptasi lingkungan, kemampuan berhubungan dengan orang lain dan kesembuhan. Pertumbuhan pribadi (Personal growth) Tema 4: Penyesuaian diri “...trus sekarang saya pegang pokoknya saya kalo makan gini tu gitu jadi saya trus tak buat kunci gitu lho mbak, heheh...kunci tak buat kunci oo berarti aku sekarang sudah lain mungkin...” (P1). “.... suami saya tak kasih tahu kamu kalo pengen njajan gak popo titipo aku tak nganu aku tak gak, punya panganan sego jagung tak urap kelopo saya gitu gak pa pa daripada saya sakit mbak jadi saya legowo....” (P1)

Faktor Pendorong dan Penghambat
Sumber Informasi
Respons Kehilangan
Kontrol Pribadi
Pengambilan Keputusan
Penyesuaian Diri
Adaptasi Lingkungan
Layanan Kesehatan
Integrasi Hasil Penelitian pada Model Teori Transisi Meleis
Holistik Penderita Diabetes mellitus Tipe
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