
The purpose of this study was to identify the psychological toughness (PT) and its relationship to some coordination and physical abilities, and the accuracy of some basic performance skills of the Iraqi Junior National Handball Team players. The sample consisted of 14 players which constituted 88% of the research community (18) players. The descriptive approach was used to determine the correlation between PT and some coordination and physical abilities, and accuracy of some basic performance skills with single sample design. A questionare scale, consists of 32 items was applied. Coordinations tests included ability of differentiation, ability of suitable differentiation, and ability of connectivity. Physical tests included endurance of the muscules arms, endurance strength for arms, speed power of the leg musclues, the distinctive strength of the arms, endurance of speed, and transition speed. Skill tests included passing and receiving, dribbling, passing, shooting were also applied. The results shows that the players had a high PT and a significant coordination, physical and skill performance (P<.05). All values were found significant ( P<.05). The study concluded the need to pay a close attention to the psychological aspects of the team in order to improved the players acheveiments.

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