
Objective. To determine the correlations between different levels of anxiety and the presence of hyperprolactinemia and to study the possibilities of correcting the level of prolactin by means of complex anti-stress therapy.
 Materials and methods. We conducted a survey of 94 adolescent girls during the period of the formation of menstrual function. To study the psychoemotional state of the patients, the Spielberger – Hanin anxiety scale was used.
 Results and discussion. Among girls aged 14.0±1.5 years with hyperprolactinemia, the presence of acute and chronic stress was found in 92.2 % of cases. Before treatment, the proportion of high personal anxiety of girls with hyperprolactinemia was 4 times higher, and low personal anxiety was 6 times lower than of healthy girls. The proportion of high situational anxiety significantly exceeded this indicator in healthy girls, and moderate situational anxiety in girls with hyperprolactinemia was 3 times lower. The proportion of low situational anxiety in girls with hyperprolactinemia was almost 5 times lower than in healthy girls. Three months after the start of treatment, the proportion of high and moderate personal anxiety of girls with hyperprolactinemia decreased slightly, and the proportion of low personal anxiety increased significantly after the psychological correction. In contrast to personal anxiety, situational anxiety depends on living conditions, therefore, its changes were significant after anti-stress treatment.
 Conclusions. Among girls aged 11-18 years with hyperprolactinemia, the acute and chronic stress was found in 92.2 % of cases, which was characterized by increased personal and situational anxiety of patients with hyperprolactinemia compared with healthy girls, indicating a direct correlation link between high levels of anxiety and the presence of hyperprolactinemia, and confirms the need for comprehensive anti-stress therapy for such girls. Stabilization of the psycho-emotional state and reduction of anxiety contributes to the normalization of hormonal homeostasis (reduction of prolactin and activation of pituitary-dependent hormonal function of the ovaries) and as a consequence of menstrual function.


  • Among girls aged 14.0±1.5 years with hyperprolactinemia, the presence of acute and chronic stress was found in 92.2 % of cases

  • The proportion of high situational anxiety significantly exceeded this indicator in healthy girls, and moderate situational anxiety in girls with hyperprolactinemia was 3 times lower

  • In contrast to personal anxiety, situational anxiety depends on living conditions, its changes were significant after antistress treatment

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Визначення корелятивних зв’язків між різними рівнями тривожності та наявністю гіперпролактинемії, вивчення можливостей корекції рівня пролактину шляхом комплексної антистресової терапії. До лікування в дівчат із гіперпролактинемією питома вага високої особистісної тривожності була в 4 рази вища, а низької особистісної тривожності – в 6 разів нижча, ніж у здорових дівчат. Питома вага високої ситуаційної тривожності значно перевищувала цей показник у здорових дівчат, а помірна ситуаційна тривожність у дівчат із гіперпролактинемією була в 3 рази нижче.

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