
The university context immerses the academic in an environment of uncertainty, disappointments and obligations. This all factors conduce the student to present symptoms that can culminate in generalized anxiety disorder and even a major depressive episode. The comparison of the prevalence of common psychological disorders in Biological Sciences, Physical Education and Medicine students at the State University of Ponta Grossa was the objective of this study. The Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory and sociodemographic questionnaires were applied to students enrolled in all years of the courses analyzed. The prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders found in the students is higher than the prevalence of the general population. The study inferred considerably dissimilar prevalence results between the courses studied, whose sociodemographic factors with the greatest value of significance were lack of emotional support, dissatisfaction with academic performance, considering the course stressful at a moderate to high level, lack of psychological treatment and/or psychiatric and gender.

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