
Introduction. The subject of research in the article is the psychological problems of the formation of a system of universal values.Purpose setting. The paper conceptualizes the social functions of the Russian military intelligentsia. It is noted that at present humanity is experiencing a crisis of traditional and classical forms and methods of sociality, starting with the family and ending with the state and the world community.Methodology of the study. The main methods in the work were the system method; historiographical method; comparison and modeling.Results. The lack of fairness and honesty is the main cause of economic and social disruption, which is rapidly progressing. It can be stopped only through the restoration of attention to the common, the creation and cultivation of universal values. Without belittling the importance and significance of local communities, it is necessary to create a common value space. An important condition for this is the agreement on basic values. The author points out that in the most difficult socio-cultural and informational conditions, the system of professional military education and upbringing is faced with the task of forming and developing the personality of a professional military officer, i.e. an officer who possesses not only professional qualities and abilities, knowledge and skills that form his competence, but also a system of values that characterizes him as a defender of the Motherland and an intellectual.Conclusion. As a conclusion, it is substantiated that a universal, humanistically oriented identity based on common moral values can be “cemented” by the intelligentsia, which needs to become a social pillar of justice and solidarity as the highest forms of social community. It is logical that the value system of the intelligentsia will be intelligence as a social existential quality, focused on common moral values, and not just on the professional ethics of particular social groups. At the same time, since the system of military education has remained a kind of “enclave” of the traditional education system, in which the processes of training and education perform an equally important function, it is the military intelligentsia that is able to take on the role of supporting for the rest of the social groups that are traditionally considered to be intellectuals.

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