
Abstract Purpose An illness, pain, an emotionally demanding situation (e.g. an injury, being frightened) are associated with certain conditions of the psyche, in which suggestions have strong effects on people. During the operation the patient’s thoughts focus on their conditions and the challenges ahead. The fear of pain, temporary loss of usual references, being placed in helpless positions, the light from the microscope, the surgical drapes (which excluded the environmental stimuli), being confronted by alarming machines and seemingly incomprehensible actions of hospital staff, brings the spontaneously altered state of mind. Our working hypothesis was that if the patients are psychologically well prepared before the operation and if this is followed by positive verbal suggestions during the procedure, their pain relief requirement will be less and their condition will improve faster. Methods We developed a specific verbal suggestion protocol for the patients and observed the patients’ psychological and physiological state in the perioperative period. Results The protocol worked well in reducing patients’ fear and improved their satisfaction. This protocol is easy for doctors and staff to learn. Based on the literature and our studies, younger people are more susceptible. Conclusion Except the excellent painless surgical technique, the comfortable environment, the psychological drive of patients around the procedure has a robust factor to improve the patients satisfactory.

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