
In the article the personality attributes and its interaction influence on the students-artists’ artistic orientations in paintings perception are defined. By the results of theoretical analyses four components of artistic orientations in paintings perception are defined, their demonstration is described. They are: 1) the emotional content; 2) the semantic content; 3) the technique of depiction (using by an artist of specific means and approaches, which are in more extent concern the work’s characteristics); 4) the artist’s creative approach (an ability to fulfil formal characteristics of creative project by the means of art). By the results of empirical research the psychological characteristics of students-artists by the parameters: neuroticism, psychoticism, depression, conscientiousness, disinhibition, general activity, modesty, sociability, aesthetic susceptibility, femininity, mental imbalance, asociality, introversion, sensitivity, creativity, empathy, is presented. Basing on the factor loadings calculations of students-artists’ artistic orientations in paintings perception system-forming factors are defined, its hierarchy is revealed. It is found, that system-forming factor of students-artists’ artistic orientations in paintings is an emotional filling of artistic work. With the application of nonlinear multiple regression analyses personality attributes and its interaction influence on the artistic orientations in paintings perception is defined. It is found, that on students-artists’ artistic orientations in paintings perception positively influence such personality attributes: aesthetic susceptibility, depression, and such nonlinear parameters as interaction of disinhibition and femininity. Negatively influence on students-artists’ artistic orientations in paintings perception disinhibition, femininity, empathy, and nonlinear parameters – interaction of aesthetic susceptibility and depression, aesthetic susceptibility in square. The calculations results give an opportunity to define the content filling of paintings perception by personality attributes, that is, to give an extended psychological characteristic for students-artists, perceiving the paintings through an emotional filling.

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