
The article focuses on the problem of formation of students’ career orientations. Studentship is seen as a social structure that is characterized by specific conditions of life, work and by the social behavior, psychological features, value orientations. Theoretical approaches to the development of career orientation and career designing problems in the student age are analyzed. Processual essence of future professional’s career is considered in three aspects: personal, social and organizational. The personal aspect provides consideration of this phenomenon from the position of the personality, reveals the peculiarities of the doer’s vision of the career. The social aspect is defined through the idea of a career from the perspective of society. Organizational aspect provides understanding of a career as a focused official and professional growth, gradual promotion by career ladder, the changing of qualification opportunities. The article considers the idea of self-realization as an indicator of formation of future specialists’ career orientations within modern conception of career development, namely lifestyle, values, freedom of choice, individual differences, flexibility in the perception of changes and setting goals, variety in achieving of them. In the article there is offered a constructive and functional structure of psycho-pedagogical support of the process of formation of a professional career in the context of the idea of self-realization. It contains the following components: familiarization with the essence and the features of a professional career; execution of psycho-pedagogical diagnostics; individual consulting of future specialists; conducting of psychological training programs aimed at the formation of knowledge, abilities and skills of professional training; identifying the real prospects of professional growth.

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