
The COVID-19 pandemic is a pivotal moment in the history of mankind, which had a huge impact on the fast-paced world. The uncertainty associated with the plight of the pandemic, pushed the world towards a sense of insecurity and panic. Apart from the disease, the psychological problems connected to the lockdowns has caused an unprecedented change in the thought process of people towards travel. In the present study, we aim to statistically illustrate the change, the pandemic and lockdowns brought upon the travel mode choice behaviour. An Integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) framework was adapted to understand the impact of the novel behavioural constructs, such as awareness of the disease and people's perception of the strictness of lockdown towards the mode choice in the post pandemic scenario. Different trip types were characterized according to the nature of the trip and their mode choice were assessed separately for the impact of the latent constructs. The results suggest that the awareness of the disease and the perception of strictness of the lockdown implemented play a major role in affecting the change of the mode choice of people. Further, the perception of safety in public transport, characterized by the social distancing and sanitization measures, determine the willingness of people towards the choice of public transit systems. The study concludes with a focus on the policies, which could be implemented for a safe travel in the post lockdown stage.

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