
The current research aims to identify the level of psychological immunity, social support and life satisfaction as a whole, according to gender and speciality, Also to identify the relationship between )360( the three variables among university graduates in Sulaimanyah city. The sample consisted of unemployed graduates from the University of Sulaymaniyah. In order to achieve the goals, the researcher prepared tow scales to measure psychological immunity and social support to measure life satisfaction, that translated from English language to Arabic )1988,depended on a scale prepared by(Zimet&Dahlem After processing the information by using the statistical program . )2018 ,language by (Al-Rashidi (SPSS), The results showed a moderate level of psychological immunity and a high level of both social support and life satisfaction among university graduates. There are no significant differences in the level of Psychological immunity and life satisfaction according to both variables specialization and sex. But t here are significant differences in the level of social support according to sex which is higher among female graduates and according to specialization which is higher among humanitarian specialty. There are positive correlations between the three research variables in general among university graduates.

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