
Objectives: To find quality of life (QOL) related to psychological health and its associated factors in Pakistani physical therapists. Mathodology: A cross sectional-analytical study was conducted among Pakistani physical therapists, working in different teaching institutes and hospitals. The sample size was (n=464) qualified physical therapists age between 22-50 years selected through convenient sampling technique. Data was collected through general demographic questionnaire including age, gender qualification, marital status, job type, job nature, financial, family and health issues, job satisfaction, overall satisfaction, and for psychological health WHO Quality of Life (WHO-QOL) was used. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 21 and the results were presented as mean±SD, frequency (n) and percentages (%) of physical therapist according to their psychological health and p-value and chi-square test was used to identify association between variables. Results: The mean age of study participant was 27.02±3.79 and mean psychological health score was 36.49±17.38 that showed that average population of PTs had poor psychological health. The psychological health showed significant association (p≤0.05) with gender, nature of job, financial issues, health issues and salary satisfaction. Conclusion: The majority of physical therapists have poor psychological health. The male gender, PTs working in both clinical and academic settings, financial issues, family issues their health status and unsatisfied job contribute in poor quality of life related to psychological health. Keywords: Physical therapist, psychological health, quality of life

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