
The 21st century is marked by the rapid development of science and technology: robots are gradually entering all spheres of human life and activity, along with other mechanisms. In this regard, in society, in popular science literature, in the media, the question is increasingly being asked, can a robot, in particular with artificial intelligence, replace a person in performing professional activities? Variety of problem of the impact of the introduction of robots and artificial intelligence on the future lives and activities of mankind is highlighted in research, discussions, statements, public speeches by E. Musk, B. Pring, P. Roehrig, M. Frank, S. Hawking, M. Zuckerberg, etc. «Success in creating artificial intelligence could be the biggest event in the history of our civilization, or the worst. Computers can, in theory, emulate human intelligence, and exceed it. », - S. Hawking said. The purpose of the article: to carry out the psychological futurological forecast for the introduction of robots, artificial intelligence, in particular in the higher education system through the prism of the author's many years of psychological and pedagogical experience. The current trends in the achievements of scientific and technological progress are analyzed: every day all over the world there are news about examples of successful professional interaction between people and robots (robots Sofia, Grace, Aypera, student robot and much more). Conclusions: the probable possibility of professional competition between humans and robots is obviously a positive argument for obtaining higher education, as well as the ability to constantly learn independently, based on the knowledge, skills and abilities already acquired. The robotization of the educational system should lead to significant facilitation and simplification of the teacher's activities in the future, since all routine work can be put on robots, in turn, teachers will be able to fully devote themselves to pedagogical creativity.

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