
The purpose of the article is to investigate the manifestation of gender role stereotypes on career harassment of young people. The methodology of scientific research is based on the level of philosophy (systematicity, dialectical contradiction, unity of quality and quantity, dialectical negation, development, causality, etc.) and the level of general psychological (psychological theory of action, unity of psyche and activity, development; systematicity; concept of sub object of mental activity, etc.) principles with systematic, scientific and verification methods. This work is devoted to the study of the relationship between the value orientations of an individual and the level of his self-efficacy. The study of these problems allows us to assert the insufficient development of theoretical and empirical research on the psychological concept of self-efficacy, in particular, regarding persons who have already passed the period of professional formation and are actively engaged in their work activities; insufficiently disclosed features of the influence of factors on self-efficacy; there is a lack of scientific justifications that would reveal the age factors of this phenomenon. On the basis of the analysis of the theoretical material, a study of self-efficacy and the peculiarities of the impact on it of the meaning-life orientations of the individual was carried out. The theoretical justification of the problem of gender-role self-determination of older adolescents is given, in which preference is given to the concepts of the theory of cognitive development of the personality: the content of the “self-concept” is a categorical system of personal attitudes formed in the process of active assimilation and acceptance of gender-role norms cultivated by society. The system of attitudes can be considered as a form of organization of individual experience, which directs the consciousness, activity and self-determination of the subject in relation to the world. Social stereotypes and expectations, which in the process of socialization change from the external, “specified” plan by society to the internal, personally meaningful adoption of gender roles and their corresponding attitudes, are the means of realizing one’s own sexuality.

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