
The features of social adaptation of first-year students of Samara State Technical University are considered in the article. The social psychological conditions of the educational process of students in the distance-learning mode are described. The fundamental concepts of considering the phenomenon of social adaptation are analyzed. The types of social adaptation are constructive and destructive and their content components, the results of a research experiment to identify strategies of social interaction in the educational process of students with different types of social adaptation are researched in detail. Experimental studies have shown that first-year students have high anxiety and rigidity, medium and low levels of adaptation, which is adaptive, and only 28.5 per cent of students with a constructive type of social adaptation, characterized by active interaction and orientation of the personality towards development. The influence of the type of adaptation on the academic success of students has been determined. The features of intrapersonal content, which form the behavior of students in social interaction, are described. The results of observations of the strategies of social communication of students of both types of adaptation are given, the forms of interaction of students with a destructive type are shown. The article reflects the phenomenon of social adaptation, which ascertains its consistency according to the test indicators and at the same time demonstrates intrapersonal problems when using strategies of a destructive type. The forecast of the influence of the type of adaptation on the risk of psycho-emotional disorders is presented.

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