
The article is an attempt to discuss psychological featuresof individuals with bowel diseases, namely irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease as well as diabetes, bronchial asthma inrelation to expressed emotion. Expressed emotion is manifested throughrelatives’ attitude and behavior towards those individuals. Such behaviorcan include hostile attitude, critical comments, emotional overinvolvement.This expressed emotion on the part of family relatives typically cancause the worsening of the sick individual psychological state. A specialfocus in this study is on the individuals with bowel syndromes and theirpsychological states. The research goal is to find out the specifics of theexpressed emotion impact on the quality of life of individuals with medicaldiagnoses. Theoretical literature overview, deduction, induction wereamong the main research tools. Results of the study have shown that thepsychological states of sick individuals clearly correlate with expressedemotion on the part of their spouses/ parents or relatives who typicallydemonstrate critical comments, overinvolvement. Future studies of boweldiseases and expressed emotion would benefit from concentrating on aclearly defined and relatively homogeneous group of individuals.

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