
The reality in early 2001, after the P2KP-PNPM Mandiri program was implemented to alleviate poverty, there was a revolving business capital for the poor, but after several years in line with that, many credit arrears appeared in non-governmental groups as a result this program did not run optimally, to overcome With this obstacle, the government issued a policy of writing off and rescheduling credit arrears to members of non-governmental groups (KSM). This study uses a descriptive qualitative research type that is casuistic in nature while the approach used in this study is an inductive approach, this research was conducted at P2KP-PNPM Mandiri Gempol Village, Gempol District, Pasuruan Regency. Determination of research subjects using purposive random sampling technique by following the principle of snowball, data collection using documentary methods, in-depth interviews and participatory observation. Examination of the data used source triangulation techniques and method triangulation techniques while data analysis was carried out through three channels, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing/verification. The analysis techniques used were content analysis and thematic analysis.
 Findings in the field explain that the policy of writing off and rescheduling credit arrears has had a psychological effect on members of Non-Governmental Organizations (KSM). This is because the average KSM member is a poor community whose economic conditions are uncertain. Loan arrears that have not been repaid for a long time can also be caused by various factors including individual personality, cultural, social, religious, and so on. The factors above have made various psychological effects that arise among KSM members which can be seen from the point of view of the cognitive dimension (individual perception, individual opinion, and individual awareness), affective dimension (individual feelings, individual emotional, and individual motivation) and dimensions of conation (attitudes, expressions, individual behavior, individual social interaction dynamics, and individual communication patterns). The psychological effect of the write-off policy on credit arrears is seen from the cognitive dimension; the aspect of individual perception is that because of the grant money, they assume that even if it is not returned there is no problem, the aspect of individual opinion is the tendency to agree and agree, the aspect of individual awareness is discipline, low responsibility and even demoralization appears. The affective dimension: the individual feeling aspect is the tendency to feel happy, the individual emotional aspect is the emotional tendency to be uncontrollable, excessive even though they know responsibility, the individual motivation aspect is life experience, the spirit to organize life back to the front because it is not burdened. Dimensions of conation: aspects of individual attitudes, expressions and behavior are the tendency to surrender and don't want to try, and compromise, aspects of the dynamics of individual social interactions are lack of socializing with society, individualistic and shy, aspects of individual communication patterns are defense tendencies towards problems. The psychological effect of rescheduling credit arrears is seen from the cognitive dimension: the individual perception aspect is the tendency to become a burden in the future, the individual opinion aspect is the tendency to disagree and disagree, the individual awareness aspect is discipline, low responsibility. The affective dimension: the individual feeling aspect is the tendency to feel unhappy, the individual emotional aspect is the tendency to feel depressed and restless and even pretend to forget the credit arrears they have, the individual motivation aspect is the desire to return even though they are forced to. Dimensions of conation: aspects of individual attitudes, expressions, and behavior are the tendency to belittle, reluctant to reverse, burdened, depressed, and there is no belief in being responsible, the dynamic aspect of individual social interactions is lack of socializing with society, individualistic, aspects of individual communication patterns are tendencies closed and defended his own ego.


  • Abstrak Realita di awal tahun 2001 setelah program P2KP-PNPM Mandiri dilaksanakan untuk menanggulangi kemiskinan maka di dalamnya terdapat perguliran modal usaha untuk masyarakat miskin, tetapi setelah beberapa tahun sejalan dengan itu banyak muncul tunggakan kredit di kelompok swadaya masyarakat akibatnya program ini tidak berjalan optimal, untuk mengatasi hambatan ini pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan penghapusbukuan dan rescheduling tunggakan kredit pada anggota kelompok swadaya masyarakat (KSM)

  • tetapi masih ada sebuah kemauan dari masing-masing anggota kelompok swadaya masyarakat

  • Daftar PustakaWilayah. Burhan, Bungin. 2006. Analisis Data Penelitian Kualitatif. Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Burhan, Bungin. 2006. Sosiologi Komunikasi. Jakarta : Kencana Prenada Media Group. Dirgagunarsa, Singgih. 2000. Pengantar Psikologi. Jakarta : Mutiara Sumber Widya. Gerungan, W.A., 2001. Psikologi Sosial. Bandung : PT. Eresco. http://www.P2KP-PNPM Mandiri.org. 21 Juli 2009. Kebijakan Negara. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara. : Remaja Rosdakarya. Perilaku Manusia. Jakarta: LPSP3 UI. Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta : Balai Pustaka. Rakhmat, Jalaludin. 2004. Psikologi Komunikasi. Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Sobur, Alex, 2003. Psikologi Umum. Bandung : CV. Pustaka Setia. Suryabrata, Sumadi. 2006. Psikologi Kepribadian. Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo Persada Suyatno, T., 2002. Dasar-dasar Perkreditan. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Wahab, Solichin Abdul, 2004. Negara. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Yusuf, Yusmar. 2001. Psikologi Antar Budaya. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya

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Penjadwalan ulang terhadap kredit macet dengan melakukan perubahan syarat perjanjian kredit atau jangka waktu kredit, termasuk masa tenggang baik perubahan besarnya angsuran maupun tidak. Hal ini oleh peneliti dicoba untuk meneliti bagaimana kebijakan penghapusbukuan dan rescheduling tunggakan kredit dapat menimbulkan efek psikologis pada anggota. Oleh karena itu peneliti mencoba untuk melihat dimensi psikologis yang bisa ditimbulkan akibat adanya kebijakan penghapusbukuan dan rescheduling pada anggota KSM. Dimensi kognitif ini merupakan komponen dari suatu sikap yang berisi ide, anggapan-anggapan, pengetahuan, keyakinan dari orang yang bersangkutan mengenai objek sikap, yang sangat menentukan dalam kognisi ini adalah anggapan-anggapan evaluatif terhadap objek sikap yang melibatkan penilaian kualitas baik atau buruk, diinginkan atau tidak diinginkannya suatu objek sikap. Perilaku dianggap sebagai suatu tindakan manusia yang dpat diamati, perilaku merupakan faktor yang membentuk sikap seseorang yang terbentuk dari kognisi dan afeksi dalam diri seseorang perilaku adalah predisposisi atau kesiapan orang yang bersangkutan untuk bertindak dalam menghadapi objek sikap. Keswadayaan Masyarakat (BKM) yang mana dapat dijelaskan sebagai lembaga otonom dan independent yang dibentuk oleh utusan masyarakat dengan tujuan utama untuk melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat khususnya masalah kemiskinan serta menumbuhkan kembali ikatan dan solidaritas sosial antar warga agar saling bekerja sama demi kebaikan bersama yang berazaskan pancasila dan UUD 1945 serta menjunjung nilai-nilai dapat dipercaya, ikhlas/kerelawanan, kejujuran, keadilan, kesetaraan, dan kebersamaan dalam keberagaman dengan prinsip demokrasi, transparansi dan akuntabilitas, partisipatif, dan desentralisasi

Kajian Pustaka
Berdasar hubungan antar emosi
Berdasar hubungan motivasi
Berdasar hubungan kognitif
Hasil Penelitian dan Diskusi Hasil
Persepsi Bahwa uang Rat
Pola Lebih
Perlunya memaksimalkan kinerja
Perlunya ditingkatkan intensitas monitoring dan evaluasi kegiatan
Daftar Pustaka
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