
Any project is first of all a project team that implements it. It is people who have the knowledge, experience and motivation to complete the work, that are the engine without which even a perfectly planned project will remain only on paper. Therefore, project management pays much attention to the formation and methods of the project team management. And an important component in the process of forming and managing a project team is to take into account the psychological traits of each team member and determine their further impact on project implementation. This is especially important for art projects, where the team is creatively gifted people with certain psychological aspects, which are inherent for talented individuals. Identifying and analyzing the specific character traits that are usually inherent in creative people will greatly help the project manager to understand the needs and capabilities of each team member, the motivation of each person and their fears and help create the conditions for full disclosure of each talent. But at the same time, this knowledge is necessary in order to create a coordinated teamwork that will guarantee the success of any art project, regardless of its complexity and size. This is extremely necessary based on the results of the analysis, which gave the understanding that a creatively creative person is not interested in organizational work on the project in general. A creative person is completely absorbed in the creative process of creating a certain product. But organizational issues remain out of the creative person's attention only as long as the organization of the project activity does not directly concern the schedule of its work, the quality of materials or equipment with which the person has to work. Therefore, the project manager needs to build the project management process in such a way that while creating conditions for productive work of the project team, minimize risks to achieve project management goals, namely, get a product of a certain quality on time and budget.

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