
Relevance. The relevance of the research is conditioned upon the need to consider the fundamental aspects of training future primary school teachers in the conditions of digitalisation and globalisation, which are constantly improving and changing, in this regard, it is quite essential to take into account the whole range of conditions for the training of a highly competitive future specialist.Purpose. The purpose is to analyse the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of future primary school teachers using modern digital educational resources.Methodology. The research used such methods as logical analysis, deduction, induction, synthesis, functional analysis, and survey method.Results. During the implementation of the work, the main features of the educational process in the conditions of digitalisation were identified, and the characteristic of inherent elements and principles of implementation were provided. A survey was conducted, in which 127 students participated. The significance of the questionnaire survey is conditioned upon the fact that it allowed identifying positive and adverse aspects of the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process, the main problems that arise for future teachers. In addition, a pedagogical experiment was conducted based on this university of 2 groups: group No. 1 (64 students) and group No. 2 (63 students). The perspective of introduction and further use of virtual reality in the learning process was considered. The main components of the successful professional realisation of a future specialist were considered.Conclusions. The practical value of the obtained results consists in obtaining information about the main difficulties that do not allow the educational process to be realised effectively in modern conditions, in this connection recommendations were provided for future teachers considering psychological and pedagogical conditions to prepare highly competitive future specialists and improve the level of quality of education in general.

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