
Scientific researches which promote improvement of designing of children's play spaces in the city environment are considered. Children's preferences and expectations can vary depending on their personality type, society and culture. The age of the child affects his preferences. "Children's play space should ideally never end, it should be in a constant state of change" (C) Holtzman. Play is an integral part of every child's life and is vital for childhood enjoyment, as well as for social, emotional, intellectual and physical development. The environment offers unique incentives that attract children's attention and interest in nature and the streets of urban space. Therefore, the current state of urban life must correspond to the environment with a variety of images and environmental characteristics that can reveal the creative potential of a society of different ages. The formation of children's play spaces should be in line with global trends, which contributes to the psychobiological and ergonomic factors of designing urban forms of children's play spaces.Concretize children's play space in children's daily life, as an experience, compensates for: the impact of the dynamics of the local community in children; breadth of experience in children's daily games; their use of the immediate environment; the amount of free time and its intended use in the game space. Play spaces bring children many benefits of their well-being: the development of muscle strength, improving the health of the cardiovascular system, strengthening the extremities through physical activity, improving concentration.

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