
The current study attempted to examine the levels of psychological alienation and emotional intelligence among female Omani university students. Using online questioners; (204) female Omani students were selected by distributed the questioners via social media i.e., WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter. Results reported that the level of psychological alienation scale and emotional intelligence were moderate among the study participants. A negative medium significant correlation was found between emotional intelligence and psychological alienation. Another finding of the study presented no significant differences at (α ≤ 0.01) concerning the effect between academic level and levels of psychological alienation and emotional intelligence among female Omani university students. Moreover, no statistically significant effect of academic achievement in level of emotional intelligence among female Omani university students. Furthermore, the results reported academic achievement statistically significant effect in level of psychological alienation among female Omani university students. Finally, results showed a statistically significant effect between the student in academic level fourth year, the students in academic level second year, and students in academic level first year in favour of the students in academic first year. Key word : Psychological alienation, emotional intelligence, Omani students. DOI : 10.7176/JEP/13-15-16 Publication date :May 31st 2022

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