
It is the purpose of this article to discuss the manifestations, psychodynamics, and therapy of some of the more common psychogenic problems seen in brain-injured children and their parents. For clarity of presentation, the discussion will be divided into two sections: one, on the problems which primarily stem from the parents; and the second, on those difficulties which, for the most part, arise in the child. This distinction, however, is often artificial as the interplay between the symptoms of the child and those of his parcnts is so great. Each one's prohlems complement and feed into thc other's to such an extent that each symptom can be best understood as an a ttcm pt at resolu tion of, or adapta tion to, a multiplicity of complex interacting forces present in both child and paren ts. Throughout this discussion, an attempt will be made to recommend therapeutic approaches which are simple, short, and practical. It is recognized, however, that when such measures are not successful, intensive treatment such as analytically oriented psychotherapy or psychoanalysis may be indicated. The discussion of the parents' reactions will he divided into the acute and chronic adaptations. In general, the acute are transient

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