
The aim of the study was to assess the influence of the types of attitudes to disease and depression on adherence to treatment of patients with duodenal ulcer.Material and methods: Adherence to treatment was evaluated in 43 patients with sub- and decompensated scar-ulcerative stenosis aged from 21 to 74 years old (the average age being 47,5±26,5 years old), who underwent surgical removal of stenosis in the amount of duodenoplasty. The compliance of duodenal ulcer patients was assessed on the basis of the questionnaire developed by us. Assessment of the level of depression in patients was carried out using the Russian version of the Beck questionnaire (BDI). The method “type of attitude to disease” was used for psychological diagnosis of the types of attitude to the disease, the method being developed in the laboratory of clinical psychology of the Institute named after V. M. Bekhterev.Results: all 43 patients according to the degree of adherence to treatment were divided into 2 groups: compliant (20 patients) and non-compliant (23 people); also the types of attitudes to the disease and the level of depression were assessed. It was found that adaptive types of attitude to the disease were found in 51.2% of patients. Adaptive responses to illness provide overall adaptive behavior due to the adequate assessment of patients’ condition, or due to the obsessive desire for active employment, which is typical for ergopathic type of attitude to the disease, or due to the negation of everything associated with the disease with anosognosic type of the relation to disease. In «non-compliant» patients, in comparison with “compliant” ones, both before and after the surgery, statistically significant differences in the severity of the diagnosed depressive disorder were revealed. For «non-compliant” patients significantly more often mild depression and moderate depression were revealed, requiring the reception of psychopharmacological drugs.


  • Results: all 43 patients according to the degree of adherence to treatment were divided into 2 groups: compliant (20 patients) and non-compliant (23 people); the types of attitudes to the disease and the level of depression were assessed

  • В частности, гармонический тип был установлен у 2 (4,7%) больных, эргопатический – у 14 (32,6%), анозогнозический – у 3 (7%), сенситивный – у 2 (4,7%), тревожный – у 1 (2,3%)

  • Число больных с диффузным ТОБ составило 7 (16,3%) человек, где у 6 (14%) больных встречался неврастенический, у 5 (11,6%) – эргопатический, у 3 (7%) – сенситивный, у 3 (7%) – ипохондрический, у 2 (4,7%) – тревожный, у 2 (4,7%) – анозогнозический радикал

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Material and methods

Adherence to treatment was evaluated in 43 patients with sub- and decompensated scar-ulcerative stenosis aged from 21 to 74 years old (the average age being 47,5±26,5 years old), who underwent surgical removal of stenosis in the amount of duodenoplasty. The compliance of duodenal ulcer patients was assessed on the basis of the questionnaire developed by us. Assessment of the level of depression in patients was carried out using the Russian version of the Beck questionnaire (BDI). Results: all 43 patients according to the degree of adherence to treatment were divided into 2 groups: compliant (20 patients) and non-compliant (23 people); the types of attitudes to the disease and the level of depression were assessed. It was found that adaptive types of attitude to the disease were found in 51.2% of patients. Большинство исследований тактики противорецидивной терапии пациентов с язвенной болезнью двенадцатиперстной кишки (ЯБДПК) убедительно продемонстрировали, что высокий уровень комплаентности является положительным предиктором эффективного лечения. Цель исследования: оценка влияния типов отношения к болезни и наличия депрессии на приверженность к лечению пациентов с язвенной болезнью двенадцатиперстной кишки

Материал и методы
Выполнение назначенного обследования в амбулаторных условиях
Результаты исследования и их обсуждение
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