
* Introduction * The Health Care Market: Money Wins, You Lose * Managed Care and the Delivery of Psychological Services: An Unmitigated Disaster for Quality Mental Health Services * The First Decade of Managed Behavioral Care: What Went Right and What Went Wrong? * Professional Problems and Solutions in the Managed Care Era * Psychological Practice, Psychotherapy and Managed Care: A Case Study * Mastering the Technology of Change * Managed Care and Institutional Change: Considerations for the Private Practitioner * Providing Mental Health Services at What Price? Ethical Issues and Dilemmas for Social Workers Practicing in a Managed Care Environment * Effects of Confidentiality Law on Patient Self-Disclosure: Implications for the Therapeutic Relationship and Therapy Outcome * Why Clinical Social Workers Decline Private Practice * Effects of Managed Mental Health Care on Attitudes of Psychotherapists About Their Work, Their Clients, and the Future of Psychotherapy * Index * Reference Notes Inlcuded

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