
This is a single case study utilizing time-series analysis for a young adult man with major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder (i.e., double depression [DD]) and intermittent explosive disorder (IED). Treatment consisted of long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (LTPP) with an emphasis on facilitating emotional expression and fostering autonomy. During 13 months of therapy, the patient completed daily measures related to his presenting complaint, including overall distress and episodes of rage. These data were examined for clinically significant change across baseline and two phases of treatment using Simulation Modeling Analysis for time-series data. Results indicated improvement in overall distress and in rage episodes. In addition to daily measures, the patient completed a measure of general psychological functioning at monthly intervals throughout treatment, the results of which indicated no reliable change. Complicating factors and implications of treatment are discussed, including the efficacy of LTPP in the treatment of DD and IED.

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