
With reference to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD), afundamental change in psychiatric care in Germany was proposed in 2019 by Zinkler and von Peter, supported by alegal perspective from Kammeier, which has since led to controversial debates. Essentially, the aim is not only to reduce coercion in psychiatry to aminimum, but also to fundamentally exclude it in apsychiatry that only provides care. The function as an agent of social control is to be returned from psychiatry to state institutions. Psychiatric hospitals will only admit patients with their consent; patients who refuse therapy will not be admitted regardless of their capacity for self-determination and will remain untreated or, if they have committed acriminal offence or threaten to commit acriminal offence, they will be taken into custody or imprisoned in accordance with the legal regulations applicable to all people. There they will receive psychiatric care if they so wish. The paper outlines the background of this concept, including international sources, traces the discussion in German specialist literature and takes acritical look at it. The criticism is primarily directed against the fact that responsibility for arelevant proportion of psychiatric patients would be handed over to the police and judiciary and that, as aresult, two realities of care would be established that would considerably differ in terms of quality. Arguments are put forward in favor of retaining the function of social control and considerations are suggested as to how caring coercion can be largely minimized.

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