
The evolving dominance of psychobiologic over psychodynamic theoretical influences on education and practice presents new challenges for psychiatry. This article features selected data from the 1989 American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training annual survey (n = 215) that describe current teaching activities related to psychodynamic psychiatry, mainly psychotherapy. Results are based on a 50 percent return rate (107/215 questionnaires). Responses confirm the emergence of psychobiological (48%) over psychodynamic (40%) departmental orientations and report that the psychodynamic orientation has maintained strength as a secondary emphasis. Residents generally gain experience in a range of psychotherapy theories and modalities, including psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, individual, couples, family, and group therapies. Training in brief and short-term individual psychodynamic psychotherapy predominates, however. Use of video- and audiotaping in supervision is limited. Full-time faculty provide the bulk of psychotherapy instruction. This is carried out in both individual and group sessions, which are organized primarily around case reviews. Supervision-related problems include faculty availability, skill diversity, competence, theoretical flexibility, and attitudes, as well as program structure and standards.

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