
As a specialty in nursing, psychiatric–mental health nurses will be involved in providing care to those affected by the hurricane in the Gulf Coast for years to come. This column addresses how psychiatric–mental health nurses have and will continue to fulfill their ethical responsibilities. Paul and Elder (2003) discussed concepts depicting ethical behavior or motivation. One concept addresses “going beyond what is obligatory to improve the lives of others” (p. 19). Associated words to describe this concept include “generous,unselfish,charitable,altruistic, philanthropic, humanitarian and benevolent” (p. 19). These terms are certainly depicted by the registered nurses who volunteered in the recent devastation of Hurricane Katrina and the other hurricanes that have plagued the southern United States in 2005. Never before have nurses been called upon to step forward and perform their ethical duties in a natural disaster of this magnitude. Nurses generously gave of themselves in an unselfish, altruistic, professional manner. They left their families and responded to the humanitarian needs of others’ families. They stepped forward “to do good”—an ethical principle underlying the profession of nursing. Nursing’s Social Policy Statement provides the following definition of professional nursing. “Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response,and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (American Nurses Association, 2003, p. 6). The Gulf Coast communities have been affected in so many ways. Preventing disease from unsanitary conditions and injury from the destruction created by the hurricanes and resulting flooding are paramount health needs demanding nursing interventions. Alleviating suffering from the loss of life and property and the long-term effects of these losses are profound.Psychiatric nurses can,have been, and will continue to be engaged in this process and as such are fulfilling the definition of professional nursing. The immediate need being provided by psychiatric nurses is addressing the emotional impact of these disasters on the victims. Furthermore, psychiatric– mental health nurses are working with the volunteers and responders who are and have been engaged in the relief and recovery effort. The emotional impact on these individuals cannot be underestimated. Psychiatric nurses are assisting and will continue assisting individuals to cope with their feelings and reactions to this horrendous disaster. In addition, feelings of frustration, fear, and disappointment in relation to the responses or lack of responses by federal, state, and local governments have added to the emotional impact placed on all those involved. Following the immediate needs,psychiatric–mental health nursing is the specialty group that needs to remain and intervene through the long-term rehabilitation process. Intervening through the coping stages will be ongoing. The eighth provision of the Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements states, “The nurse collaborates with other health professionals and the public in promoting community, national, and international efforts to meet health needs” (American Nurses Association, 2001, p. 23). Professional nursing organizations need to assist and direct their members to the available resources and coordinate with other health care group’s nurses to meet the health needs resulting from this national tragedy. The

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