
This 1988 study reports the point and lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorders, using DSM-III-R criteria, of a sample (approximately 25%) of adult members of an Indian village previously studied in 1969. The basic instrument was the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, augmented by available medical information and administered by experienced psychiatrists. Subjects were interviewed and results were weighed for the age- and sex-distributed population. The results indicated a high point prevalence of alcohol dependence (32.8%), with a lifetime prevalence of 72.8%, among males. The lifetime prevalence of affective disorders among women was also high (36.8%), but less so among men (19.3%). When compared with the DSM-III-R diagnoses of the 1969 study, the point prevalence rates of alcohol dependence and abuse disorders fell from 39% to 21%. Also, fewer subjects were judged to be psychiatrically impaired. Even though the prevalence of psychiatric disorders was lower in the current study, the rates for alcohol disorders and affective disorders were still far higher than those reported in Epidemiologic Catchment Area studies. Alcohol dependence (especially among young men) and affective disorder (among women) were major problems.

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