
To identify the main cost drivers associated with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis-IPF in the international context to make evident the healthcare attention challenges in Colombia. The comprehensive review of the literature in the following databases: Medline, Embase, Econlit and Health Technology Assessment Database and, the search of “grey” literature published between January 1990 and February 2017, was conducted. The inclusion criteria were: IPF and its association with comorbidities, use of healthcare services and direct costs from the third payer perspective. A statistical analysis was performed using measures of central tendency. Finally, the identified evidence was used as reference to make recommendations regarding the management of IPF in Colombia. Nine articles in indexed journals and 8 posters in specialized medical congresses were identified. The evidence included population registers up to 2011. The median of the main comorbidities was: 30.6% for pulmonary infections, 32% for coronary diseases and 25.3% for cardiovascular problems. Functional deterioration and loss on quality of life resulted in a high use of healthcare services such as referrals to specialists, emergency consultations and hospitalization. The median annual cost for patient was US $ 58,164 associated with assisted ventilation, hospitalizations, and emergency room visits. Nine articles in indexed journals and 8 posters in specialized medical congresses were identified. The evidence included population registers up to 2011. The median of the main comorbidities was: 30.6% for pulmonary infections, 32% for coronary diseases and 25.3% for cardiovascular problems. Functional deterioration and loss on quality of life resulted in a high use of healthcare services such as referrals to specialists, emergency consultations and hospitalization. The median annual cost for patient was US $ 58,164 associated with assisted ventilation, hospitalizations, and emergency room visits.

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