
Abstract Experiment was carried out on introducing eggshells from an experimental group of laying hens of lactobacilli strains with anti-C.jejuni activity. Eggs were incubated for 21 days to obtain broiler chickens containing auto-strains of lactobacilli with anti-C.jejuni activity in the blind processes of the intestine. It should be noted that most of the incubation eggs were observed in the 2nd group, in which the eggs were laid for subsequent administration of probiotic bacteria. Check was carried out for the presence of auto-strains of lactobacilli with anti-C.jejuni activity in the intestines of broiler chickens and the timing of their persistence for 1–35 days. The objective of the study was a comparative analysis of the following DNA samples: DNA from a feed supplement containing strains of lactobacilli with anti-C.jejuni activity; DNA samples from litter of laying hens of the parent herd receiving heterologous lactobacilli as part of the feed; isolated DNA from washes from hatching eggs; DNA samples from the contents of the digestive tract of chicken embryos; DNA samples from the intestines of broiler chickens. DNA samples from groups of birds and their embryos obtained without the use of heterologous lactobacilli were used as controls. The microflora of the contents of blind processes was taken from chickens on the 22nd day and on the 35th day of growing. In total, 343 different bacterial OTUs were identified in this study, belonging to 13 types, 26 classes, 51 orders, 106 families and 172 genera. Assessment of the biodiversity of bacterial ensembles in the samples of the contents of blind processes of chickens revealed fundamental differences already at the level of growing time and type. The study was performed at the FGBOU VO “St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine» with the aid of the Russian Science Foundation Grant (Project No. 18-76-10017).

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