
Abstract This study evaluated the use of the infrared thermography (IT) as a tool to identify the temperament of 75 non-castrated water buffaloes (390±32 days of age; 310±61.27 kg of initial body weight) of 3 genetic groups (GG:Jafarabadi, Mediterranean, and Murrah; n = 25 for each GG). The animals were classified for temperament through the temperament score (TSc) obtained by the mean of the sum of the scores of the time of entry into the squeeze chute (1 to 5: 1=greater time spent for entry; 5=less time spent for entry) and the exit velocity score (1 to 5: 1=lower speed; 5=higher speed) calculated after the period of adaptation to the feedlot (d0). The animals were categorized into adequate (ADQ; TSc≤3) or excitable (EXC; TSc >3) temperaments. The rectal temperature was measured and IT images were obtained (Testo 882 Thermal Imager, Testo, Inc, Germany) from regions of the chest, eye, snout, cheek, foreleg (left side), ribs, hind legs, rear area (left side), and scrotum on d0. Data were analyzed using MIXED procedure in SAS, considering the GG, temperament, and the resulting interaction as fixed effects. Correlation was analyzed using the CORR procedure of SAS. There were no effects of interactions (P ≥ 0.14). ADQ animals showed lower rectal (P = 0.02) and ribs (P = 0.05) temperatures than EXC animals (Table1). Tendencies for temperament effect were detected for chest (P = 0.06) and rear area (P = 0.07). There was no effect of temperament for other variables (P = 0.19). Positive correlations were verified between the TSc and rectal (r=0.36; P < 0.01), chest (r=0.35; P < 0.01), and rear area (r=0.33; P < 0.01) temperatures. Tendency for a positive correlation was detected between TSc and scrotum (r=0.23; P = 0.07). In conclusion, the temperament causes changes in the temperature of some body regions suggesting the IT technology may be a promising tool for assessing the temperament of water buffaloes. Supported by FAPESP (#2018/25939-1; #2014/05473-7).

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