
Abstract A better understanding of the factors that influence collection and semen quality for AI sires is needed. Our objectives were to evaluate the effect of breed and environmental factors on semen characteristics from 49,086 ejaculates analyzed by a single technician at a beef semen collection facility. Bulls were housed in one of 5 barns based on health testing and purpose of semen collection. Multiple ejaculate characteristics were evaluated using regression models; fixed effects included breed, age, and barn. Ejaculate volume differed (P < 0.001) between Angus (8.5 ml) and Horned Hereford (7.5 ml). Concentration of spermatozoa was lower (P < 0.001) for Angus compared with Simmental, Charolais, and Horned Hereford (1009, 1100, 1252, and 1197 x 106/ml, respectively). Horned Hereford had greater (P < 0.01) concentration of spermatozoa compared with Red Angus (1197 and 1046 x 106/ml, respectively). Simmental had greater (P < 0.01) pre-freeze motility when compared with Angus, Red Angus, and Horned Hereford (54, 50, 49 and 49%, respectively). Average production of 0.5 CC frozen straws per collection was greater (P < 0.001) for Simmental (244) when compared with Red Angus (205) and Angus (223). Pre-freeze motility (% motile) varied from 48% to 53% between the five barns (P < 0.001). The average concentration of spermatozoa varied from 1000 (x 106/ml) to 1155 (x 106/ml), with Barn 1 producing the lowest per ejaculate (P < 0.001). Bulls in Barn 1 produced a greater amount (P < 0.001) of primary abnormalities than Barn 4 and more (P < 0.001) secondary abnormalities than Barn 3. Overall, Simmental, when compared with Angus bulls, produced the greatest number of straws per collection, with the highest pre-freeze motility. Recognizing breed differences and the effect of barn location may help improve overall efficiency, and producer expectations of semen collection at this facility.

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