
We prove PSPACE-completeness of several reversible, fully deterministic systems. At the core, we develop a framework for such proofs (building on a result of Tsukiji and Hagiwara and a framework for motion planning through gadgets), showing that any system that can implement three basic gadgets is PSPACE-complete. We then apply this framework to four different systems, showing its versatility. First, we prove that Deterministic Constraint Logic is PSPACE-complete, fixing an error in a previous argument from 2008. Second, we give a new PSPACE-hardness proof for the reversible ‘billiard ball’ model of Fredkin and Toffoli from 40 years ago, newly establishing hardness when only two balls move at once. Third, we prove PSPACE-completeness of zero-player motion planning with any reversible deterministic interacting [Formula: see text]-tunnel gadget and a ‘rotate clockwise’ gadget (a zero-player analog of branching hallways). Fourth, we give simpler proofs that zero-player motion planning is PSPACE-complete with just a single gadget, the 3-spinner. These results should in turn make it even easier to prove PSPACE-hardness of other reversible deterministic systems.

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