
Accurate and timely visualization of apoptotic status in response to radiation is necessary for deciding whether to continue radiation or change to another mode of treatment. This is especially critical in patients with colorectal cancer, which requires a delicate combination of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy in order to achieve optimal outcome. In this study, we investigated the potential of phosphatidylserine-recognizing peptide 1 (PSP1) as an apoptosis-targeting probe, which identifies phosphatidylserine on cell surfaces. We first screened colon cancer cell lines for their sensitivity to radiation and selected two cell lines: HCT116 and HT29. Cell binding assay using fluorescence-activated cell sorting and optical imaging showed that HCT116 cells had better binding to PSP1 than HT29 cells. Thus, mouse xenograft model using HCT116 cells was generated and was topically irradiated with either single or fractionated dose of radiation followed by systemic administration of PSP1 for subsequent molecular optical imaging. We confirmed that the PSP1 probe was selectively bound to apoptosis-induced tumor in a radiation dose-dependent manner. We also observed that fractionated radiation regimen, which is recently being used in clinical situation, was more effective in inducing tumor apoptosis than corresponding single-dose radiation treatment. We then evaluated the correlation between tumor targeting of PSP1 and suppression effect of tumor development and found that tumor volume and fluorescence intensity were correlated before (correlation coefficient r2 = 0.534) and after (r2 = 0.848) radiation therapy. Our study shows that PSP1 peptide is an efficient index probe for deciding “go or no-go” for radiation therapy in colorectal cancer.

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